Landfill Closure Plans:
MOE Provisional Certificates of Approval for Landfill Sites traditionally require that a Closure Plan be prepared before a Site reaches capacity and stops receiving waste. Closure Plans typically include final contours, choice of and schedule for the final cover installation, fencing and access control, plans and schedules for the continued monitoring of surface water and groundwater and for maintenance of the final cover and sedimentation ponds.
PEL has prepared Closure Plans and/or administered Contracts for placement of Final Cover at the following Landfill Sites:
• Baxter Landfill, Port Severn
• Freeman Landfill, Mactier
• Rosewarne Landfill, Bracebridge
• Ridout Landfill, Dorset
• Franklin Landfill, Dwight
PEL has prepared Closure Plans and/or administered Contracts for placement of Final Cover at the following Landfill Sites:
• Baxter Landfill, Port Severn
• Freeman Landfill, Mactier
• Rosewarne Landfill, Bracebridge
• Ridout Landfill, Dorset
• Franklin Landfill, Dwight